Leave comments

Aloha friends & family.....we changed the settings so it's easier to leave comments. No more signing in. Here's what you do...

1.  When you pull up our blog, on the right side of the screen, under Blog Archive, click on one of the titles.
2.  At the bottom, in the comment box, enter your comments. Don't forget to enter your name so we know who's making the comment.
3.   Under the comment box, click on the arrow next to "select profile".
4.   Click on anonymous, click on publish.

So easy. You can check out how it will look, I did a sample. Click on May, Grande Prairie and scroll to the bottom.


  1. its June 14 wea u stay now, I ran out of reading material in da lua...... Greg L RV1452

  2. Hey Dawn, if you post stuff are we supposed to get notified that u posted something??? Or I gotta jus ck this blog?? Cuz I neva did get notified if I was supposed to. I thought if I am listed as follower I would follow u but u left me behind ha ha ok safe drive........

    1. Hey Pepe... we arrived in Anchorage about a week ago and have been playing since. I don't think you get notified when I post something new...so you gotta keep checking. Sorry for not giving you enough reading material in the lua...I'll try to get some done soon.

  3. Hey Dawn & Joe..WOW! What a blog..so glad you both retired, gosh i remember you saying you both were going to do this. We get to travel with you guys, and live our dreams thru you both! Enjoy life!! luv n hugs...darcy

    1. Aloha Darcy....glad you're enjoying the blog. Sorry I couldn't return your phone call. Cell service is hit and miss when you're out in the boonies. We'll get together once we're back in the islands. Probably October sometime...Take care...dawn

  4. Hey guys, I was on my way to Seward on the 20th! Incredible, we could have hooked up. I visited the Wild Life Center then some of the guys went on to the glacier and I headed back, looking a bar. Went to see the Bore Tide on the 21st. It is incredible that the water level eventually rises over 30 feet. I will be in Alaska for another three weeks, in Anchorage. So if you're around, give me a call. Tried calling you earlier, but no answer.

    Danny Saragosa
    (808) 224-1142
    (337) 207-4717
